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 The Rules of Long Term Trading
  1. Before you begin to invest in longer term trades review the tutorial.
  2. Define your assets and allocate your cash strategically.
  3. Understand that your longer term account should grow every year because you add net assets to that account.
  4. Longer Term Trades should be expected to be held for months and/or years (These are not trades).
  5. Candidates for longer term investments are limited to the highest quality companies on the Market.
  6. Longer term investment ideas should be reviewed by your financial advisors.
  7. Longer Term trades are typically long positions, we do not short longer term positions.
    Always know when to initiate a longer term trade by reviewing the longer term trading analysis.
  8. Anytime you enter a longer term trade, use a $0.25 stop loss in case the trade starts going against you.
  9. Contrarian trades are often most rewarding when it comes to longer term investments (beaten down names).
  10. Average positions should be determined by your advisors.
  11. Company fundamentals are important factors for longer term investments.
  12. It a Long Term Trade is stopped it can be re-entered up to 6 times before it is deemed unworthy of an additional attempt and a new long term position should be considered so long as the Market still suggests that a long term position be taken.
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