CORE Slow but Steady Wins the Race

Slow but Steady Wins The Race - Low Volatility

CORE Slow but Steady Wins the Race

Our CORE Portfolio Strategy is designed for investors who want to have returns that are similar to the S&P 500 but who do not want the corresponding volatility. There is a catch to this, we will describe that, but the accolades of our CORE Portfolio Strategy speak for themselves.

  • 34 Sortino ratio in 2019: that's a ridiculous risk-reward Statistic.
  • Protected accounts from the corona crash in 2020.
  • Was about 18% better than the S&P 500 during the drawdown in 2022.

The return of the CORE Portfolio Strategy from inception is equivalent to the S&P 500 without the peaks and valleys.  It is a steadier, lower volatility option that spends a tremendous amount of time in cash.

Our CORE Portfolio Strategy is protected from market risk about 55% of the time on average.

For qualified accounts like IRA's and pension funds, the CORE Portfolio Strategy is in cash when it is protected from market risk.  Taxable accounts have a slightly different approach.  The differences are explained in our CORE Portfolio Strategy page on our members website.

The performance of our CORE Portfolio Strategy and the substantial amount of time it spends in cash produces results without the corresponding volatility, but our CORE Portfolio Strategy was not popular when stimulus flooded the market.  Our CORE Portfolio Strategy is not expected to keep pace with the S&P 500 during a calendar year when $9 trillion of stimulus is flooded into the economy.

However, that is unlikely to happen again.  Instead, normal, or slightly elevated degrees of market volatility are likely for the foreseeable future, and the CORE Portfolio Strategy is one of the strategies that we believe longer term investors should focus on.

Our CORE Portfolio Strategy was designed to replace buy and hold strategies after the stimulus era that followed the credit crisis came to an end in 2018.

Details about our CORE Portfolio Strategy can be found on our members website.


Our CORE Portfolio Strategy can be accessed with hhe following subscription plans:

  • Platinum = YES

  • Platinum = YES

  • Platinum = YES

  • Platinum = YES

  • Platinum = YES

  • GOLD = YES

  • GOLD = YES

  • GOLD = YES

  • GOLD = YES

  • GOLD = YES

  • Silver = NO

  • Silver = NO

  • Silver = NO

  • Silver = NO

  • Silver = NO

CORE Slow but Steady Wins the Race Performance

1 Day:N/A
1 Month:0.54%
3 Months:4.86%
1 Year:7.26%
3 years:32.66%
5 Years:61.67%
10 Years:N/A
Since Inception:75.96%
STDEV (3 years):0.09
Beta (3 years):0.51
Alpha (3 years):1.45

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