Stock Traders Daily helps investors prepare for changes to upcoming macro trends, while navigating equity markets using Index ETFs such as SPY, QQQ, and the like. It is an architect of strategies, developer of models, and an advocate of rules-based trading. It has been doing this since 2000.
NO. Stock Traders Daily offers six strategies, one only had 8 trades since 2000, so the frequency varies, but we have made sure to have something for everyone. Long term investors benefit from our work as well. We offer macro too.
NO. You can use our strategies to help you navigate your own portfolio too. In fact, many of our clients do exactly that, and the most successful client we know of uses this approach too. You can use our strategies as indicators, ones that help you confirm or deny your interest in making a move, or you can use them as strategies.
Evitar Corte is our market crash warning model. Since 2000, Evitar Corte uses the FOMC as a guide to identify market crashes before they happen. It is available to all Platinum entitled subscribers to Stock Traders Daily. If a warning were to come, Platinum subscribers would receive direct and immediate email communication.
We use a multi-layer security system to protect our client information; we constantly monitor for abuse and will shut down immediately, before client data can be compromised, if security threats are detected.
We do not share the personal information of any of our Platinum, GOLD, and Silver subscribers, but we do share information from trial members who have signed up for a Sponsored Trial. For Sponsored Trial subscribers, we share their information with the firm sponsoring their trial. There are no other instances where client information is shared.
There are two types of trials we offer. We offer a 10-day free trial for any one of our entitlement options, and we also offer a sponsored 30-day trial. The Sponsored Trial gives you 20 extra days, but we also share your email with the sponsor of your extended trial. The 10-day trial version does not share your information with anyone.
Newsletter, Market Analysis, Technical Analysis, Macroeconomic Analysis, all Trading Strategies, Email communication, Special Reports, Institutional Research, Fundamental Valuation Analysis, Real Time Stock Reports with specific trading plans, and additional tools that help you empower your competitive advantage.
Stock Traders Daily sends emails to entitled users depending on their user-defined preferences. For trial members, and for those who have not yet adjusted their preferences, simply go to your My Account Page and change the things you are interested in. Example: If you select NO to active trading, then no emails will be sent for that, while if you select YES to macro you will be on the list to be notified whenever important enough changes take place for that. Customize your emails on the My Account page.
The Investment Rate is a derivative demographic analysis that compares ingrained societal norms to lifetime investment patterns to accurately gauge the rate of change in the amount of NATURAL NEW MONEY set to be available for investment into the US Economy annually, looking ahead by decades. It has been what we believe to be the best longer term stock market and economic indicator ever developed, whose significance was downplayed by stimulus. Now that stimulus is gone, the Investment Rate is set to shine.
The first question you need to ask is how much time you have to manage risk. One of our strategies, Evitar Corte, has only had 8 trades since 2000 (it is our best performer too), so virtually anyone can use that. Other strategies require more attention. Start with how much time you are willing to commit, narrow down the list of strategies to ones that fit your schedule first, and then start digging into those a little deeper. We have something for everyone, and when it is time to pivot to a different strategy, we have that covered too.
NO. You should evaluate what we do. Do not even paper trade our strategies. Just look, watch, and learn. Then, after you upgrade to Gold or Platinum we will show you the part of our service that will add the most value to you, and then you can paper trade until you are completely comfortable.
The four memberships are: Platinum, GOLD, Silver, and Bronze. Platinum is our premier service, while bronze users only have access to two stocks, and nothing else. Platinum includes our Market Crash Monitor and macro, and all Sponsored Free Trial Members get access to all that as well.
Yes, but you should not use all of them until you have gone through sufficient paper trading.
Not yet a member? Use our Free Trial Button on this page to find our Platinum and other subscriptions. Select the one with the features that are right for you. Platinum includes all the features.
Active Members can upgrade using the //Upgrade link, found on our members pages.
Everyone can opt out of email communication for any topic we have by simply going to their My Account page, and selecting NO next to every topic that is not wanted, and YES to every one of the topics that is interesting.
Paying users can cancel their subscriptions at any time, so they will not be re-billed. Trial subscribers can change all of their interest-topics to NO on their My Account page to stop email communication.
Subscriptions range from $10 - $1794. Please review the details on the free trial links found on this page.
Stock Traders Daily has money managers interested in managing some of its strategies, but Stock Traders Daily is not a money manager, and does not receive any participation in client fees from third party advisors. Thomas H. Kee Jr., the President and CEO of Stock Traders Daily, owns a money manager that participates in this.
Currently, there is a money manager willing to trade CORE, ULTRA CORE, and the Evitar Corte Strategies for qualified clients. If you are a qualified client per SEC, or suspect you are, please reach out to Equity Logic directly by filling out a disclosure form. They will contact you about managed account options thereafter.
Trend Tracker Automates our Day Trading and Lock and Walk Strategies, and allows users to backtest other strategy variants. Download Trend Tracker by logging in, and navigate to the Active Tab. Trend Tracker can be found in that tab.
Stock Traders Daily offers macro and market analysis, strategies and models, and timing tools.